April 19, 2011

Buy The Dead for $10

The Walking Dead is without a doubt the best Zombie-related TV show ever made, so while you wait for the 2nd season for the next 6 months, or until October, you can now relive the Dead for only $10 through Amazon. That's right, the budget concious Zombie-lover can now get the wonderful 1st season of the show for 75% off its original price of $40. The DVD includes a bunch of bonus features including tips on how to make your own Zombie make-up, interviews and a whole bunch of behind the scenes making-of footage. Now, I don't know exactly how long this deal will last, but this is about as low a price you're going to get, so if you like Zombies, and if you read this blog you probably do, then you should probably get this. I know I just did.

You Can Get It By Going: Here.

April 13, 2011

Two Guns Are Better Than One.

Duel-Wield-Taxodermy-Cowboy-Squirrel! FTW!!
Today, we celebrate. A new member has been added to the squad here at ZombiesAreForever. He may as well be an MVZK™ (Most Valuable Zombie Killer). DawnOfTheJeremey has constantly impressed me with his insight on all things Zombies and has a knack for finding creative and interesting Zombie topics. Also, rumor has it that he once fired two guns whilst jumping through the air. So there you have it. Here to bring you more ways to survive the Zombie Apocalypse--DawnOfTheJeremy. Welcome him with open arms and please, for your sake, don't try to bite him.

March 24, 2011

Comin Back Alive

Best garden statue ever.

Greetings fellow Zombie slayers! I have to apologize for being on hiatus for so long. A lot has happened in my life concerning Zombies and I would like to share it all with you. Most recently, I downloaded the Undead Nightmare pack for Red Dead Redemption. I'm here to tell you that it is pretty awesome. Unbeknownst to me, there are cooperative matches you and three other friends can do together. Imagine for a moment a scene in the Kurt Russell movie Tombstone or Eastwood's the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Now picture yourself and three of your friends running around in those movies, shooting Zombies. It works like Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies, where you have wave after wave of Zombies with increasing difficulty. Its really fun and surprisingly difficult.

In other news I watched four Zombie films over my Spring Break. The four were: Lucio Fulci's Zombie, Wild Zero, and Romero's Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead. The verdicts: all of them were awful! However, they were saved by the fact that I watched them with friends and laughed the entire time. The the movies had such potential. At least I had high expectations for them. But Fulci's Zombie failed because the characters in the film are so stupid! In fact, the characters in all of those movies are stupid except for Wild Zero. The characters in Wild Zero are at least fitting to the crazy storyline. Don't get me started on Romero. The guy has lost his way. Perhaps ever since Day of the Dead. But Survival and Diary are so stupid! The only scene worth seeing is with the Amish guy in Diary who owns a ton of Zombies. Coolest character ever!! Yeah. So thats about it. I'll hopefully get back into the swing of posting every week. Hope you all are well and free of Zombie viruses.

February 26, 2011

Japanese Punk Rock Band Fights Off the Horde

Every once and a while I would like to do posts where I shed some light on Zombie movies that you probably have never seen before. Wild Zero is one of those movies. This movie is about a wannabe rocker named Ace and the band he idolizes, Guitar Wolf, fighting off the Zombie horde in Japan. It brings a different idea to the table in regards to how the Zombie apocalypse starts out, because in this movie the apocalypse is started by an alien invasion. Its funny, its rockin', its a good Zombie flick for the collection.

Should you happen to want to buy this movie immediately after watching the trailer, go here.

February 19, 2011

And Just Like That, It Was A Movie...


Lets see here, the Dead Island trailer was released on Tuesday and it already has a movie deal. Its amazing how influential the internet is. You get a video to go viral and you may never have to work again.

The film rights to Dead Island were snatched up by Sean Daniel of the Sean Daniel Company (he produced The Mummy, Dazed and Confused, and The Wolfman) and Union Entertainment for an undisclosed price and they are now looking for a writer. Apparently they want to shoot the film like Christopher Nolan's Memento, so in reverse chronological order similar to the trailer.

That sounds awesome to me! I can't think of any Zombie movie that has ever been shot like that. For those of you who have seen Memento, you can imagine how interesting it would be to watch a similar film about Zombies. I'm a movie snob at heart and I feel that movies shot in the "Memento style" are for the thinking man, or woman. It takes patience and thought and it really draws you into the film in a unique way by requiring you to think instead of the traditional mindless viewing. With that being said, if they get a good writer, director, and actors (fat chance), this film could be on the fast track to Zombie fame. But please Hollywood, if you are going to do a film that carries the drama and emotion that the trailer did, don't give us a mindless Zombie slasher with lots of blood.

Check out full articles here and here.

IGN has updated their article saying that game producer Dead Island has not yet sold the rights and pretty much hulk smashed Hollywood saying, "We are looking for quality above all else for a movie based on Dead Island. We want to do it the right way as film realizations of games (or vice versa) usually fail to deliver what the fans were looking for. We will not go down this route with Dead Island. Deep Silver profoundly believes in the quality and value of its Dead Island IP." I'm glad to hear that they want a quality movie and not just a bunch of money!

And you? Does your heart start to race just thinking about the Dead Island movie? Suggestions for Hollywood?

February 17, 2011

Dead Island-The Future of Zombies?

The best vacation you ever had.
So if you haven't heard about Dead Island yet, you are in for a treat. Its a new Zombie game developed by Techland and published by Deep Silver, set to be released some time this year for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. They released the announcement trailer on Tuesday and I about pissed myself. The trailer has a song that reminds me of the "dramatic theme song" from Lost. Its really pretty and carries a lot of intense emotion with it. Enough about the song. The scenes of the trailer are INTENSE!!! They are edited in a sort of reverse chronological mix-matched order and it really adds to the drama depicted in the trailer. It shows a family fighting off a mini-horde in hotel room and man... it looks so chaotic and desperate. As if that wasn't enough to wet my whistle, the article IGN sealed the deal. Techland is saying that the game is going to be a "first-person zombie-slasher/action-RPG."

There is going to be limited guns and ammo, which means that combat is going to be mostly melee. "Knives, machetes, bats, broomsticks, pipes" is what you'll have to work with. Which reminds me a bit of Monolith's Condemned: Criminal Origins. In that game you had to search around eerie buildings trying to solve murders and fight off serial killers with mostly melee weapons that would degrade over time. Sounds like Techland is going for a similar combat system. So for those of you who haven't played Condemned, that type of combat is intense and makes for a lot of "OHSHIT!" moments when your weapon breaks halfway through a fight; hopefully we can expect the same from Dead Island.

Another big plus for this game so far is that its going to have four player cooperative, which I think we all can appreciate in a Zombie game. Killing zombies is great fun--add a few of your buddies and you have yourself a Zombie slaying bonanza.

We had a thread before under the Were Zombies Over-saturated This Year? post I did a while back, and in that post we were talking about how to keep Zombies games/movies fresh and exciting. I would be interested to see Techland's take on storyline. I hope its not just another unexplained Zombie apocalypse on a resort island with a few modifications to gameplay---LAME. However, if the trailer is any indication as to how the game plays, I would say this game is going to explode heads.

But what say you fellow slayers? Sound good?

February 14, 2011

Happy V-day From ZAF...


So its a little late, but I figured some of you out there might appreciate a Valentine's Day love song from a Zombie no matter how late in the day it is. Its got some funny-ish lyrics and its not hard to listen to. I hope for those of you who have significant others, you had a good Valentine's Day watching Sean of the Dead or playing L4D2. For the rest of us, raise your fists high in the air and savor the money you didn't have to spend on V-day gifts. Enjoy!

February 11, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse--LEGO Style

This is just precious.
Thank God for Google Alerts! I was sent an alert with a link to an article that was written 3 years ago, weird I know. It was for Zombie Apocafest 2008 at BrickCon, which is an event for "adult LEGO hobbyists" held each October at the Seattle Center. So I checked it out and did a little researching to see if they have continued to do the event in recent years. Oddly enough I did not get any Google hits for Zombie Apocafest after the year 2009, but apparently BrickCon is still going on. Don't know what to tell you guys about why that is. But anyhow, I figured you all would appreciate how cool these set-ups are.

Peep their 2009 photos: HERE and for 2008 HERE

Do any of you find yourself creating your own Zombie Apocalypse, be it with drawings, paintings, action-figures (miss those days...), or food?

February 04, 2011


Yes. Another game is being made about Zombies. This news may cause some people to sigh pitifully as they whine, "Another Zombie game??" But for most of us, the die-hard fans of Zombiedom, we raise our fists in sweet victory and cry out, "BRING IT ON!!!"

Now, about that game. At this point it is called "Class3" (what a lame Zombie title!) and is being developed by Undead Labs exclusively for Xbox Live. It is said to be an "open world zombie-survival game". Just the thought makes me want to shout from atop a mountain. Is this not what we have been wanting for years? A game that actually lets you travel around a city to survive?? To quote IGN, "The team [Undead Labs] is looking to answer the big question: What would you do in the face of the zombie apocalypse?" What potential! I'm not quite sure if it is going to be an Xbox Arcade game or not, as it is exclusively for Xbox Live. If it is, that is a little disappointing. There is only so much that can be done with arcade games. I think for the concept of this game to be fully fleshed out, it needs to be an actual on-console title. This is definitely a game I will be keeping my eyes on however. Check out the full IGN article here.

What would you want from an "open world zombie-survival game"?

January 29, 2011

Coming Soon: Undead Monkeys

Hopefully it will be worth downloading.
 So if all you Zombie slayers have not heard, Treyarch is releasing a new map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops this Tuesday!! Well, at least for Xbox 360. The PS3 and PC players have to wait a little longer. Suckas! But anyway, the map pack is called 'First Strike' and it has 5 brand spankin' new maps. But of course the only one we care about is the new map for Zombies. Its called 'Ascension' and judging from this here trailer, there isn't much that is known about it other than there are Zombie monkeys and a floating platform. If that doesn't just get you all hot and bothered, I don't know what will. I'm not sure if these monkeys are going to spawn on special rounds like the hell hounds do, but they should make for an interesting change in the gameplay depending on how quickly they spawn and in what numbers. I wonder if monkey bombs will work on them....

What do you think about 'Ascension' and Undead monkeys? Lame? Cool? Just another Zombie to pwn?

January 27, 2011

L4D Comic. For Free.

"Comics here!"
For those of you who just can't get enough of L4D, allow me to assist your addiction. It was brought to my attention recently that at some point in time Valve created a four part, online comic book entitled, "The Sacrifice". I'm not sure if there are actual hard copies floating around out there, but it seems that Valve has put the entire comic online and its totally free. The comic is based around the original L4D characters, so rest assured, at some point in the story Louis will startle the Witch. Read the comic here.

January 20, 2011

Zombie Stationery.

I wonder what their pink slips look like...
Looking for that professional stationery that shows your fellow employees and boss that you are serious about your job? Well look no further! This design website was brought to my attention not too long ago and its pretty flippin' awesome. This was apparently a "corporate design for Germany's most famous crime and horror channel." It would certainly make filing TPS reports a lot more enjoyable. Let us appreciate their good taste in stationery and cherish this Zombie gem.

January 12, 2011

Zombie Plushies. Adorable.

"Zombies: the flamethrowa!! The kids love this one."

"Merchandising! Merchandising!! Where the real money from the movie is made!" That's right Zombie lovers, there are finally stuffed dolls to satisfy your Zombie addiction. Valve, the developers of L4D and L4D2 (Left 4 Dead for all you noobs), has given us another reason to love them for what they continue to bring to store shelves. They have plushies of three of the special Zombies from L4D- the Hunter, the Boomer, and the Tank. All three plushies have their own unique sound clips straight from the game and look like cuter versions of the characters themselves. They may not be the best gifts for children, but they would make a great addition to any adult Zombie fan's collection of goodies. Check them out at Kotaku!

January 08, 2011

Zombie Naysayers Rule Out Apocalypse

As hilarious as Zombie-cats would be, it may never happen.

So we all know how the Zombie Apocalypse will happen. Somehow a disease, most likely rabies, will evolve, somebody will catch it, and proceed to spread it to the rest of the world by chowing down on any human that crosses his/her path. Right? Perhaps. But according to Cracked.com, even if this were to happen, it would not be as devastating as we have been lead to believe.

Cracked takes you through seven well thought out scientific reasons why the Zombie Apocalypse would not last very long. Be it through natural predators, the weather effects on an undead body, or gun-totting, Tobey Keith loving Americans, Zombies just wouldn't stand a chance. As convincing as this article is, I still believe that we do not know everything there is to know about diseases and how they are created. That being said, I'm still holding on to the dream that one day Zombie killing will be a profession and business will be a'boomin. Look at the article here: CRACKED

Do you agree with heretics at Cracked.com? What say you?

January 01, 2011

Zombie versus.... SHARK!!

 The holidays bring many great things--presents, home cooking, and time spent with family and friends. Speaking personally, this holiday season brought me new revelation about Zombies. They can fight sharks.

Just when you thought they couldn't get any cooler, you find out something new about Zombies and your world is never the same. The youtube video above is a clip from the Italian film Zombi 2, which was released in Italy in 1979 and then in the U.S. in 1980. Directed by Lucio Fulci, Zombi 2 became an instant Zombie classic with its over the top gore and infamous Zombie vs. Shark scene.

The scene features an actual tiger shark battling a Zombie underwater with some trippy ambient music in the background. It is a pretty impressive sequence as I would imagine it was hard to choreograph an underwater fight scene with a real man-eating shark. That being said, I feel we all owe it to ourselves to find this gem in our local video store and start 2011 off right. Happy New Year to you all!