December 23, 2010

Were Zombies Over-saturated This Year?

After reading IGN's article about Zombies in the year 2010, one has to ask the question: "Can there be too much Zombies?"

My initial thought is, "Heck no, techno!" But lets be honest, do we really want everyone to jump on the Zombie bandwagon? Could it possibly make Zombies less amazing? IGN is right in saying that Zombies might "become a crutch" for publishers looking to cash in on the current trend. Its inevitable! Anybody with half a brain is going to go where the money is. As long as the demand for Zombies continues to remain high, we will see Zombies appear in almost everything you can slap a pricetag on. From apps to coloring books, Zombies are going to be the watering well that everyone takes a drink from. Is it possible that the well will dry up?

Without fresh takes and intelligent stories, Zombie lovers will have no incentive to keep forking out cash if they continue to receive the exact same product. As long as developers, publishers, writers, and directors feed this cash cow by bringing new ideas to the table, Zombies could span a decade!

How do you think we can extend the Zombie glory?


  1. There can never be enough Zombies.

  2. So you don't think it will become over-saturated?

  3. I don't believe anything can be over-saturated as long as it continues being of good quality. As long as Zombies are fun, I say let them have their reign.

  4. Which could be a problem! If everyone keeps turning out the same products, the fun of Zombies will be ruined.

  5. Mystical G here,

    I feel boomstick on his concerns. After watching this season of the walking dead, playing through both l4d's, playing nazi zombies, watching zombieland, and many many other forms of zombie literature and media, it is really hard to think of an original idea. I think it will get into a phase where most stories will involve someone finding a cure, and then the interesting events that follow. There need to be more stories of when an outbreak begins or ends, because the middle of it is close to exploitation.

  6. I feel you G money. There needs to be story that hasn't been done before. 28 Days Later revitalized the zombie genre, but now everyone seems to be following their formula for plot line. Get creative people!

  7. We just need to keep supporting the people making the good stuff, especially novels (my favorite medium). Several friends of mine are published Zombie authors, and their work sadly gets lumped too often with all the trash that's out there. We need to talk up the David Moody's, the Kim Paffenroth's, the Craig DiLouie's. I just hope that, if people can support the good stuff, when the craze starts to die down, only the crap will be swept off, leaving us with the gems.

  8. ichaerus, as a zombie fan and creator of this here blog, i am a bit ashamed and embarrassed to admit that i have never heard of the zombie authors you mentioned. really the only zombie books i've seen are the mainstream max brook's books and a star wars zombie book i saw once. so, if you would, enlighten me on these authors, and maybe a best book from each one, i'll do a post about them. one of my intentions for this blog is to shed light on the zombie gems that have not yet been discovered by all.
