February 11, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse--LEGO Style

This is just precious.
Thank God for Google Alerts! I was sent an alert with a link to an article that was written 3 years ago, weird I know. It was for Zombie Apocafest 2008 at BrickCon, which is an event for "adult LEGO hobbyists" held each October at the Seattle Center. So I checked it out and did a little researching to see if they have continued to do the event in recent years. Oddly enough I did not get any Google hits for Zombie Apocafest after the year 2009, but apparently BrickCon is still going on. Don't know what to tell you guys about why that is. But anyhow, I figured you all would appreciate how cool these set-ups are.

Peep their 2009 photos: HERE and for 2008 HERE

Do any of you find yourself creating your own Zombie Apocalypse, be it with drawings, paintings, action-figures (miss those days...), or food?

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