January 08, 2011

Zombie Naysayers Rule Out Apocalypse

As hilarious as Zombie-cats would be, it may never happen.

So we all know how the Zombie Apocalypse will happen. Somehow a disease, most likely rabies, will evolve, somebody will catch it, and proceed to spread it to the rest of the world by chowing down on any human that crosses his/her path. Right? Perhaps. But according to Cracked.com, even if this were to happen, it would not be as devastating as we have been lead to believe.

Cracked takes you through seven well thought out scientific reasons why the Zombie Apocalypse would not last very long. Be it through natural predators, the weather effects on an undead body, or gun-totting, Tobey Keith loving Americans, Zombies just wouldn't stand a chance. As convincing as this article is, I still believe that we do not know everything there is to know about diseases and how they are created. That being said, I'm still holding on to the dream that one day Zombie killing will be a profession and business will be a'boomin. Look at the article here: CRACKED

Do you agree with heretics at Cracked.com? What say you?


  1. Destroy the heretics >:/

  2. Toby Keith. Just sayin'

  3. This is... Depressing...

  4. TOBEY! He'd be someone I'd want on my team.

  5. i think you and all of your zombie apocalypse believers are out of your minds. this will never happen. i have never seen substantial proof that this catastrophic event will occur.

  6. perhaps you're right anonymous. perhaps we are wasting our time, chasing the dream. but i will say this- should the zombie apocalypse ever happen, we'll be there to say "we told you so." then after a quick moment of glorious gloating, we will welcome you to our team and teach you how to go pro in the business of zombie killing. ♥

  7. The zombie apocalypse will happen, no question. The real question is wether Tobey Keith will be turned into a zombie; therefore draging down over the half of the south with him.

  8. well put shkiller. tobey keith needs to be monitored. should he get turned, he needs to be put on the top priority list with kim jong il and arnold schwarzenegger. if those guys turn, we're in big trouble.
