April 19, 2011

Buy The Dead for $10

The Walking Dead is without a doubt the best Zombie-related TV show ever made, so while you wait for the 2nd season for the next 6 months, or until October, you can now relive the Dead for only $10 through Amazon. That's right, the budget concious Zombie-lover can now get the wonderful 1st season of the show for 75% off its original price of $40. The DVD includes a bunch of bonus features including tips on how to make your own Zombie make-up, interviews and a whole bunch of behind the scenes making-of footage. Now, I don't know exactly how long this deal will last, but this is about as low a price you're going to get, so if you like Zombies, and if you read this blog you probably do, then you should probably get this. I know I just did.

You Can Get It By Going: Here.

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