February 19, 2011

And Just Like That, It Was A Movie...


Lets see here, the Dead Island trailer was released on Tuesday and it already has a movie deal. Its amazing how influential the internet is. You get a video to go viral and you may never have to work again.

The film rights to Dead Island were snatched up by Sean Daniel of the Sean Daniel Company (he produced The Mummy, Dazed and Confused, and The Wolfman) and Union Entertainment for an undisclosed price and they are now looking for a writer. Apparently they want to shoot the film like Christopher Nolan's Memento, so in reverse chronological order similar to the trailer.

That sounds awesome to me! I can't think of any Zombie movie that has ever been shot like that. For those of you who have seen Memento, you can imagine how interesting it would be to watch a similar film about Zombies. I'm a movie snob at heart and I feel that movies shot in the "Memento style" are for the thinking man, or woman. It takes patience and thought and it really draws you into the film in a unique way by requiring you to think instead of the traditional mindless viewing. With that being said, if they get a good writer, director, and actors (fat chance), this film could be on the fast track to Zombie fame. But please Hollywood, if you are going to do a film that carries the drama and emotion that the trailer did, don't give us a mindless Zombie slasher with lots of blood.

Check out full articles here and here.

IGN has updated their article saying that game producer Dead Island has not yet sold the rights and pretty much hulk smashed Hollywood saying, "We are looking for quality above all else for a movie based on Dead Island. We want to do it the right way as film realizations of games (or vice versa) usually fail to deliver what the fans were looking for. We will not go down this route with Dead Island. Deep Silver profoundly believes in the quality and value of its Dead Island IP." I'm glad to hear that they want a quality movie and not just a bunch of money!

And you? Does your heart start to race just thinking about the Dead Island movie? Suggestions for Hollywood?


  1. Mystical G here,

    I think it would be interesting to see Matt Damon as the main character.

  2. I think a movie like this would have some potential for fans of zombie movies; however, personally I would have rather it stayed off of the big screen. I guess I'm one of those wishful thinkers that hopes at some point, video games can be recognized by the general public as something more than you know "just a video game". I think that a game like this, that has the potential to be very story driven, could get us one step closer to that. This is also why I think games like Mass Effect and Bioshock should stay on the small screen as well. Movies just can't do some things justice.

  3. I guess I see what you're saying MikeJones. Most film adaptations of games suck A. I think if the game and the film can stay separate, there is still potential for both to be really good. I'm not sure if this is a good example, but Batman Arkham Asylum is a really amazing game and as we know the Christopher Nolan Batmans are the best, yet they are separate. Another example, the Transformers movies are at least entertaining and the most recent game Transformers: War for Cybertron was really good. Those are separate. So I do understand and agree with what your saying, however some video game stories are just so good, it needs to be on the big screen--as long as its done right!!
