January 29, 2011

Coming Soon: Undead Monkeys

Hopefully it will be worth downloading.
 So if all you Zombie slayers have not heard, Treyarch is releasing a new map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops this Tuesday!! Well, at least for Xbox 360. The PS3 and PC players have to wait a little longer. Suckas! But anyway, the map pack is called 'First Strike' and it has 5 brand spankin' new maps. But of course the only one we care about is the new map for Zombies. Its called 'Ascension' and judging from this here trailer, there isn't much that is known about it other than there are Zombie monkeys and a floating platform. If that doesn't just get you all hot and bothered, I don't know what will. I'm not sure if these monkeys are going to spawn on special rounds like the hell hounds do, but they should make for an interesting change in the gameplay depending on how quickly they spawn and in what numbers. I wonder if monkey bombs will work on them....

What do you think about 'Ascension' and Undead monkeys? Lame? Cool? Just another Zombie to pwn?


  1. There's a more in-depth video on inside xbox. Its on the dashboard but I'm sure its online somewhere else. Two new perks, 2 new special grenades and the monkeys do replace the hellhounds

  2. thanks for the heads up anonymous. do you know any other info about what the new perks do or how the special grenades work?

  3. This is very good since we know very little about the monkey zombie. I mean lets face it, if humans can become zombies it isnt too far fetched that monkeys can to. We gotta be prepared!

  4. The perks are stammin-up and PhD Flopper. No clue to what they do, they haven't really released that.
    The grenades are called the Matryoshka dolls which are those dolls that like fit inside of eachother and get consecutively smaller. I think it works like a cluster grenade of sorts. The other one is called the Gersch Device and you throw it and it opens a black hole for like ten seconds or something sucking any zombies that are close to it in.
    As far as the floating platform, I think there is three of them and they serve as transports to other areas as "escapes". and the developer hints that they do something else as well but they don't want to spoil that. Probably take you to the pack-a-punch machine or something. As far as the monkeys go, they seem pretty easy to kill but are very small and they also do something with perks. In the video they can be seen climbing on the perk machines and there have been rumors that they steal perks from you.
    O and the last thing that I can think of is that until you flip the power switch on, everything is in black and white. once you flip it on, the color comes back. Sorry that's alot to read, but it's all I know.

  5. mike jones. who? sorry. had to be done. thanks for enlightening us with all that info. perhaps the stammin-up makes you sprint for longer? if the monkeys are easy to kill, i hope that there are just a ton of them at once. any word on if upgraded guns will be the same or not?

  6. Yah I'm thinking stammin up will be lightweight or marathon or a combination of them. And yah, it looked like there were a good amount of those little things running around chasing after you. I'm pretty sure the guns will be the same but it looked like the m60 was in a video and it wasn't in either of the other two maps. So they may have added some different guns in there. Rumors of the ppsh returning from WaW.

  7. oh man... if they add the ppsh i will destroy all that is undead and be king throughout the land! best gun in the whole series.
