April 19, 2011

Buy The Dead for $10

The Walking Dead is without a doubt the best Zombie-related TV show ever made, so while you wait for the 2nd season for the next 6 months, or until October, you can now relive the Dead for only $10 through Amazon. That's right, the budget concious Zombie-lover can now get the wonderful 1st season of the show for 75% off its original price of $40. The DVD includes a bunch of bonus features including tips on how to make your own Zombie make-up, interviews and a whole bunch of behind the scenes making-of footage. Now, I don't know exactly how long this deal will last, but this is about as low a price you're going to get, so if you like Zombies, and if you read this blog you probably do, then you should probably get this. I know I just did.

You Can Get It By Going: Here.

April 13, 2011

Two Guns Are Better Than One.

Duel-Wield-Taxodermy-Cowboy-Squirrel! FTW!!
Today, we celebrate. A new member has been added to the squad here at ZombiesAreForever. He may as well be an MVZK™ (Most Valuable Zombie Killer). DawnOfTheJeremey has constantly impressed me with his insight on all things Zombies and has a knack for finding creative and interesting Zombie topics. Also, rumor has it that he once fired two guns whilst jumping through the air. So there you have it. Here to bring you more ways to survive the Zombie Apocalypse--DawnOfTheJeremy. Welcome him with open arms and please, for your sake, don't try to bite him.